英文電子報 2008-06-14


Excepting holding the entire school graduation ceremony in Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium at 10 a.m. today, many departments like EMBA also hold graduation ceremony for themselves. They broadcast MV and present short play to send off graduates.

In Business College, Department of Insurance held their graduation ceremony on the seventh floor of Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium at noon. At the same time, they will play the student-made graduated MV.

In College of Management, Department of Statistics held graduation ceremony in Q 409 at 11:30 a.m. Their professors performed some programs for graduates and broadcast MV, in which they recalled the four-year memories. Department of Accounting staged the warm send-off-elder party in B615 at 11:30. All graduates got together to remember the past recollection and admired the special programs the undergraduates prepared. Department of Public Administration set graduation ceremony in Ching-sheng International Conference Hall at 11:30. At the same they invited outstanding alumni and Chang Ching Hui, the present consultant of the Legislative Yuan, to give a speech for blessing the graduates.

Department of Management Sciences and Decision Making and Institute of Management Sciences held the graduation ceremony in B703 and B 704 with relaxed and warm manner to play some graduate life video and photos. Department of Information Management held graduation ceremony in Student Activity Center at 12:00. Ten students performed a short play about social freshmen. Dr. Shaw Reuy Shiang, Chair of Department of Information Management, led graduates to sing the anthem of their department and awarded prominent thesis at the end of the ceremony. The graduation ceremony of the EMBA of the 96-academic-year Executive Master’s Program of Business Administration took place in Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall at 2:00 p.m. They invited the outstanding alumna Ms. Hsieh Chang Wen, MP of Taoyuan county, and Mr. Yang Chung Hang, chairman of Kinghong electronic co, LTD, to deliver speeches. Besides, they also play some photos and videos of the graduates in recent years for remembrance.

In College of Liberal Arts, Department of Mass Communication and Department of Information and Communication held their respective Practicing Media Certificate delivery ceremony to certify students’ efforts in the field. Department of Information and Communication awarded the certificate to fourteen graduates of the seventh CDML. Department of Mass Communication held the 22nd Joint Practicing Media Certificate ceremony at TKU video broadcaster to recall the forty graduates’ striving process in TKU TV station, TKU broadcasting station, and in TKU Image Art Studio.

As to College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Department of Japanese held the graduation tea party on the B1 floor of language learning fellowship district at noon. In addition to some tea and snacks treat, they invited graduate representative of Department of Japanese to delivery a speech to express their appreciation towards teachers.

Besides, Overseas Chinese Student Guidance Section hosted “Welcoming Tea Party for Parents of Overseas Chinese Graduates” in B406 at 9:30 a.m. in order to greet hundreds of parents of graduates from Japan, Indonesia, Hongkong, and Malaysia. Video clips about the school life of the overseas students offer their parents a chance to glance at their Tamkang life. ( ~Shelley Tang )

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