英文電子報 2008-11-03


Chinese Palace-style Classroom was full of cobwebs and jack-o-lanterns spreading out a treacherous but cheerful atmosphere. This was the Halloween Party by the English Conversation Club, which attracted many students to taste Halloween. Some foreign friends dressed as pirates to add the holiday’s “weirdness”.

After stepping into the classroom, students painted each other’s faces in various colors; some put bandages on their foreheads or arms as wounded corpses to match the painted faces. Moreover, there were many pumpkins for creative students to carve evil smiling faces, knife-cutting scars and other frightening patterns. Putting in the prepared candles, they made many interesting jack-o-lanterns.

Sara from Australia happily said that painting the face and carving the jack-o-lanterns were fresh and amusing experiences. Insurance senior Yu-fen Huang smilingly mentioned, “At the beginning everyone was nervous, but as soon as one painted another’s face, the party got quite hilarious.”

In addition, The Department of Multicultural and Linguistics Studies invited all faculties and students to enjoy their “Trick or Treat Halloween Party” in Clement Chang Complex Building on the night of Oct. 30. The party had two activities: “How to Make White Source Spaghetti for the Coveting Witch?” and “Grasping Candies.” In the former game, all struggled to grab the food ingredients as soon as the emcee announced “Start!” All students entangled into a pushing, screaming and laughing crowd; some scattered some food ingredients onto the floor and did not know what to do, only foolishly smiling there. In the end, Linguistics sophomore Yong-yu Li demonstrated how to make delicious white source spaghetti and students delightedly enjoyed the spaghetti.

In the game of “Grasping Candies,” candies were left in the water in basins and every group of students first tried to suck the candies out in turn and then carried on potato carving. After the judges announced the winners, they had the privilege to first choose presents that were hanging on the beams. The winning groups had to get the presents by the human pyramid way. Some groups succeeded in getting the presents while others clasped into a tumbled laughing crowd. Linguistics freshman Tzu-han Lin expressed that the activity was very creative and warm. They had a very special Halloween. ( ~Dean X. Wang )

NO.730 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1842 | 下載:

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