英文電子報 2008-12-08


A number of freshmen students in the Department of Russian, together with members of the Chun Huei Club staged street play in front of the Fu Yuan at noon on December 4. The street play was aimed to familiarize students with the newly amended Tobacco Hazard Control Act, which prohibits smoking in schools at senior high level and below. The act will go into effect next January.

Also, there were a group of freshmen students from the Department of Spanish shouted out “Smoking is bad for your health, no second hand smoke!” in front of the Chueh-sheng Memorial Library and Main Engineering Building, to promote a non-smoking campus environment.

Meanwhile, in response to the newly amended Tobacco Hazard Control Act, Tamkang University has also decided to set up smoking areas in places around the campus. The smoking areas include the pavilion in the back of the Fu Yuan Japanese Garden, the pavilion in the back of the Shepherd’s Lawn, the grassland beside the Ching-sheng Memorial Hall.

Military instructor Yu Tai-jung urged all the Tamkang students to obey the non-smoking regulation and respect those non-smokers’ rights. ( ~ Yeh Yun-kai)

NO.735 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2083 | 下載:

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