英文電子報 2009-05-11


“2009 International Conference on Jungian Psychology and Expressive Arts Therapy,” held by Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, took place at Chung-cheng Hall, Taipei Campus, on April 16. Two internationally well-known Jungian specialists Dr. Paul Kugler and Dr. Linda Carter were invited as keynote speakers. Local scholars from TKU, National Taiwan Normal University, National Changhua University of Education, and Shiuh-Li Liuh Memorial Foundation were invited to present and discuss their own papers, which attracted many people to attend.

Focusing on Jungian psychoanalysis and expressive arts therapy, the Conference emphasizes both the theoretical discourse and praxis of the field. The papers include “The Influence of Drama Therapy to Sexual Abused Survivors--Re-enacting Their Nightmares in the Group Therapy,” “Play Therapist’s Emotional Experiences to the Immature Termination,” and “Using Action Method to Develop a Batted Women Expressive Writing Group,” etc.

Li Li-chun, Chair of Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, indicated that with more than 200 people taking part in the Conference this year, it was an exceptionally grand event. Expressive arts therapy has always been a hot topic. Through the combination of the theoretical discourse and practical experience, the attendants could have a more comprehensive understanding of Jungian psychoanalysis.

Chiang Chia-wei, the second-year master student of Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, expressed that the Conference inspired her, helping her learn how to use diverse perspectives to interpret metaphorical pictures. “From the two keynote speeches by Dr. Kugler and Dr. Carter, I know more about their abundant clinical experience and the ways of interpreting pictures. For instance, I learn how to understand patients’ thinking deep in their mind by their drawing and then to use it as a way of therapy,” said Chiang. ( ~Shu-chun Yen )

NO.751 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1600 | 下載:

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