英文電子報 2009-05-25


The Week of Civil Engineering, held by the association of Dept. of Civil Engineering for the first time, took place at the hall of Main Engineering Building from May 18 to 22. Hsiao Pang-chun, a junior of Dept. of Civil Engineering and the vice-president of the association, indicated that there were the exhibition, the speeches, and some little games during the Week. “I hope that we can advertise the features of our department through this event,” said Hsiao. “Participants can experience the professional work that we do, such as designing and mechanics analysis via the exhibition and the games.”

In the exhibition, visitors could use some measuring instruments in person such as transit instruments and levelers that students from Dept. of Civil Engineering would use in class. Moreover, there were some posters about debris flow disaster that popularize the idea of the prevention of natural disasters. As for the little games, they included trivia quiz game, riddle game, and cement-brick pushing game, etc. Lin Ying-chun, a sophomore of Dept. of International Trade, who has played the cement-brick pushing game, indicated that it is a great idea to let students from other departments experience the professional work of civil engineering. “I have no idea of how heavy the cement is until I played the game of clipping cement brick!” said Lin happily. ( ~Shu-chun Yen )

NO.753 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1787 | 下載:

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