英文電子報 2009-06-01


TKU breezed a Shakespeare atmosphere! To inspire students’ interest in literature, especially their appreciation of the beauty of Shakespearean literature, the Department of English invited world renowned Shakespeare scholar, Dr. M. Novy from University of Pittsburgh to lecture on “Women Outsiders in Shakespeare.” The lecture attracted many faculty members and students. Dr. Novy said that TKU emphasized on humanity education, and she hoped to have further academic exchange in the future. Her lecture was in English, and she pointed out that Shakespeare touched on female issues in his works in the Renaissance period. He explored the possibility of the female independence by challenging the conventions of the paternal society. English sophomore Yi-lun Xie said, “I have learned a lot from the lecture, especially I have realized that Shakespeare even showed some feminist ideas in the patriarchal Renaissance era.”

Besides, the Department of Chemistry invited Academia Sinica academician, Applied Chemistry Profess Yuan-peng Li from Chiao Tung University to give a lecture on “Searching Intermediary Products by Using Time Scan.” Dr. Li showed world rare results from lab experiments. He encouraged students to build up a solid foundation during their studies in the university. “You can discover and solve problems by training yourselves in logical thinking,” said Dr. Li. Chemistry master junior Shu-wei Cao said, “Dr. Li’s lecture is excellent, and I hope to have the opportunity to learn from him again.” ( ~Dean X. Wang )

NO.754 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2124 | 下載:

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