英文電子報 2009-11-07


The 7th Egg-Roll Festival, organized by Student Association, was held on November 7 at University Commons, Poster Street, and library. The organizers had decorated the Tamsui campus as a “Dream World” to stage a series of interesting activities, including “Sharing Tenderness at Egg-Roll,” “Egg-Roll Dream World,” “Egg-Roll `R’Us,” “Egg-Roll Papago.” Chiang Chi-yi, executive chief of the association, a junior of Dept. of Public Administration, indicated that these activities were to express the deepest wishes for all participants to fulfill their dream and potentiality.

During the activities of “Sharing Tenderness at Egg-Roll,” held at the third floor of Business Building, from November 2 to 6, some “Egg-Roll Messengers” performed by staff of the student association were to dispatch “egg-rolls of tenderness” to the appointed fellow students or beloved teachers. Those who got the unexpected gifts were excited with joy and cry.

“Egg-Roll Dream World” took place at the Scroll Plaza on November 9, in which professional performers, such as Fang Chung-ping, A-Pei, Cosmo People Band and cheerleading team, and TKU Ballroom Dance Club were invited to perform. Actors and actresses of “Fairy Tales Under the Starry Sky” a TV show, assimilated the TKU stage into the show, which made the celebration of school anniversary more dramatic.

“Egg-Roll `R’Us” was five-stage game—“Searching For Dream, Encountering Difficulties, Bewilderment, Illumination, and Fulfillment of Dream.” Those who passed each stage of the game could collect coupons to checkout different desserts according to the coupon credit. Those who got to “Egg-Roll Flying UP” Cake House and took photo with the “Happy Birthday, TKU” poster would get a cup-shaped cake to paint with creative patterns.

In the “Egg-Roll Cheer U Up,” participants were invited to compose blessing card for the citizen who suffered in the “August 8 Flood” and its aftermath. Those who filled in the questionnaire would get a blessing card, composed it, and hung it on the wooden windmill—an emblem of blessing wheel, running with love.

“Egg-Roll Papago” was a fair with some 50 booths to sell all kinds of things. “Egg-Roll Run Jump Boom” was a mascot show, with “Egg” and “Peach of Longevity” and other models parading around the campus. On the carnival track, colorful balloons were given away, clowns were juggling, and guitar players were to perform on scheduled time. Since last week, students who took the festival DM to purchase at local stores could get “Egg-Roll Coupons.” Those who attained more than ten credits could exchange the coupons with surprising “lucky bags” at the counter of the festival fair.

Huang Wei-chung, freshman of Dept. of Transportation Management, expressed excitingly that “these activities are very different what I had attended in high school, and I was stuffed with desserts, funs, joy, and blessing.” ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.766 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2133 | 下載:

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