英文電子報 2009-11-07


In the 2009 academic year, TKU has attended the MOE’s evaluation of “Excellent Physical Education” in both the school section and individual section. Among 40 participating schools, TKU won the award for “School of Excellent Physical Education”—the only university to win such an honor. The school representative will receive the award at Howard International House on November 23. President C. I. Chang indicates that this honor is an unusual recognition for our teachers and students, since the facilities and grounding of our physical educations can not be compared with those in public universities.

Hsiao Shu-fen, Director of Office of Physical Education, remarks that “the successful recognition is attributed to the substantial preparation and full equipments.” We have a well-organized and standardized facilitated gymnasium, weight-lifting training room, and swimming pool. As to the software, we have multiple curriculum and excellent teachers. Especially, different from the “two year compulsory credits” in other schools, our system of “three compulsory and one optional credits” provides students with variety in different periods. In addition, our school varsities have performed extremely well. For example in the 2009 collegiate athlete games, we won five gold, six sliver, and six bronze medals, and was ranked No. 12 in the nation. These achievements have verified our efforts in physical education.

Concerning the future plan, Director Hsiao indicates that, the Office will promote physical education programs, including make-up classes and couch counseling, aiming at the balance between body and mind. In addition, “Physical Fitness classes” will be open for the disabled students, in which double teachers will be incorporated into the programs to better their disability and physical damages.

President C. I. Chang encourages every staff and student to nurture habit of physical exercises. She points out that all the equipments and spaces are to facilitate the need of physical education for the students as the first priority. Then, they can be utilized by our school clubs and representative teams. “One person one exercise” is the aim of our physical education. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.766 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1940 | 下載:

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