英文電子報 2010-03-22


To experience the beautiful culture of overseas Chinese, numerous people crowded into the Overseas Chinese artifact exhibition, organized by the Overseas Chinese Student Guidance Section, Office of Student Affairs, at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall last week from March 15 to 19. Featuring with Lion Dancing and 24 Festive Drum performances, the opening ceremony attracted students’ attention. Activities such as overseas Chinese costume shows, fine food fairs, song performance, charity bazaars that sold second-hand clothes, and introduction of famous tourist spots and playgrounds also made the hall a place thronged with people.

“Not until I went to this exhibition did I understand the tradition and culture of other countries. It is so good to experience the local features of different countries without going abroad,” said Chung Hsin-ju, a freshman of Dept. of International trade. Liu I-hui, a sophomore of Dept. of French, said happily after finishing her shopping, “Apart from knowing more about the local features of different countries, you can also buy a lot of souvenirs here. There are not only many cheap costumes but also various special foods I haven’t tried before. Rounding the exhibition will make you feel like traveling around the world!” ( ~Shu-chun Yen )

NO.780 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1890 | 下載:

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