英文電子報 2010-06-21


Renowned poet Cheng Chou-yu gave a speech on the beauty of time at Chung-ling Chung-cheng Hall at June 17, attracting a full crowd of audience. The speech was part of a series event entitled “Myphone Mobile Creativity Award,” organized by Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd., China Daily, the Eslite Bookstore and the Chinese Department of TKU.

During his speech, Cheng shared his experience on how he created works, first with a pencil, then computer and finally mobile phone text messages. The poet also encouraged everyone to transform their daily experiences into written words. Su Hsiang-ting, a sophomore in Department of Chinese, said she really loves reading Cheng’s poems as he is good at putting his emotions into his works. Kan Chia-wei, a freshman in the Department of Insurance, said he was deeply moved with Cheng’s every word as each of them are full of meanings. Cheng’s recitation of his works including those he wrote when he was 19-year-old and those poems he wrote recently during the speech can help audience to better understand the famous poet, Su added. ( ~Yeh Yun-kai )

NO.792 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1861 | 下載:

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