英文電子報 2011-01-11

A Sports Spectacular to Remember

Tamkang University was established in 1950. Under the leadership of its pioneering founder, Dr. Clement C.P. Chang, as well as current president, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, it has today become one of Taiwan’s leading private universities. It has also received various accolades and awards for its outstanding accomplishments in sports and athletics. To celebrate six decades of success, a spectacular sports and martial arts show was held on the evening of Dec. 20 at Tamsui Campus’ Shao-Mo Memorial Gymnasium. The extravaganza was called the “60-year Sports Spectacular” and comprised ten jaw-dropping performances that showcased the product of months of practice and intensive training.

The opening performance was a kendo demonstration with an unexpected twist. It began as several members of TKU’s kendo club – clad in dark blue, heavily-padded kendo uniforms – walked onstage. One of the members then took off the traditional kendo mask that was covering her face. The audience gasped in delight, as standing before them was the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang. The display of kendo sparring that followed mixed humor with the traditional discipline and beauty of Japanese martial arts to dazzle and captivate the vast audience.

There was also a traditional Chinese lion dance, pommel horse and rhythmic gymnastics displays, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do demonstrations, a cheerleading performance, ballroom dancing, fencing, and extreme dancing. The Director of TKU’s Office of Physical Education, Hsiao Shu-Fen, commented that “this is a sports demonstration that combines strength and beauty…it is an innovative and original activity that shows the vibrancy and energy characteristic of Tamkang University”.

NO.809 | 更新時間:2011-01-11 | 點閱:2354 | 下載:

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