英文電子報 2011-01-11

A White Christmas at Tamkang

On the evening of Dec. 22, at exactly 6:30pm, music began to pour forth from the nearby Student Activity Center. The 2010 White Christmas Masquerade had begun. Inside, where the music was blaring, was a sea of masked faces, of men in suits and women in dresses, dancing, laughing, and shrieking with joy.

The event was jointly held by the TKU Office of International Exchange and International Education (OIEIE), along with the Volunteers of International Students (VOIS). Together, they had organized an evening of Christmas-style entertainment. A highlight of the evening was the party pageant, in which a “party king” and “party queen” were chosen from a group of 10 candidates. The announcement of the party king and queen brought jubilant screams from the crowd, and was followed by a round of waltz performances, which capped off a truly memorable Masquerade.

NO.809 | 更新時間:2011-01-11 | 點閱:3118 | 下載:

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