英文電子報 2011-03-29

A Merging of Academia and Business

In order to provide students with a more all-round learning environment that combines theory and practice, Tamkang University’s College of Business has joined forces with six of Taiwan’s leading enterprises. On the 17th of March at the Grand Hotel in Taipei City, a Signing Ceremony was held to formalize this partnership. In attendance at the ceremony were the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, as well as the CEOs and chairmen of the six partnering enterprises. The list of participating companies includes Cathay Life Insurance (one of Taiwan’s largest life insurance companies) and Fubon Financial (one of Taiwan’s largest property insurance companies). The partnership agreement will involve initiatives such as regular visits and summer internship programs at the cooperating companies; specialized training sessions held by expert company personnel, and scholarship and career opportunities for outstanding students, to name just a few.

At present, although Taiwanese universities offer specialized courses instructed by business experts, there is still insufficient interaction between academia and business. This is one of the factors accounting for Taiwan’s growing unemployment rate. The recently-signed partnership represents a remedy to such problems, and offers to enhance the prestige of the TKU College of Business – one of the better business institutes in Asia.

NO.817 | 更新時間:2011-03-29 | 點閱:2353 | 下載:

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