英文電子報 2011-04-25

Learning to Write Chinese at Lanyang

Last month, on the 29th of March at TKU’s Lanyang Campus, numerous TKU foreign students took part in a ‘foreign student Chinese workshop’. The workshop involved small 5-8 person classes, in which foreign students learned how to write essays in Chinese.

The topic explored in the classes was “My favorite Taiwanese food”. Evidently, it was a theme close to the students’ hearts (and stomachs). The students responded with enthusiasm, feverishly competing to be the first to shout out the correct answer to the questions posed. Second year student, Damiee Riklon, commented: “The class was really interesting and meaningful, but some of the content was a little bit too complex. I hope that in future the classes can be more suited to our level of Chinese, and can be held regularly.”

Fourth year student, Barahona Rodriguez Juan Carlos, added: “I’m very grateful that TKU set the courses up especially for us. Although there were some things I didn’t understand, I learned many new Taiwanese food names and gained a lot from the class.”

NO.819 | 更新時間:2011-04-25 | 點閱:2596 | 下載:

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