英文電子報 2011-04-25

TKU Men: A Martial Arts Spectacular

On the 30th of last month, ‘TKU Men: A Martial Arts Spectacular’ was held at the TKU Student Activity Center. It featured martial arts performance and demonstrations from a variety of TKU martial arts clubs and societies, and allowed the audience to experience the powerful energy and vigor of martial arts at close range. A tile breaking competition was also held, with the winners taking away a prize and acquiring the catchy title “Tamkang Tile Man” and “Tamkang Tile Woman” respectively.

Performances were made, in sequential order, by the TKU Karate Club, Bajiquan Club, Aikido Club, Chen-style Tai-Chi Club, Tae Kwon Do Club, Nei-Chia Chinese Kung-fu Club, the Jujitsu (Judo) Club, the Martial Art Club, and the Free Fight Club.

The winner of the men’s tile-breaking competition, Pan Ming-jie, laughingly remarked “This was a very unique competition, and I somehow earned myself a really cool-sounding nickname.”

NO.819 | 更新時間:2011-04-25 | 點閱:2201 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2025-01-03 18:08:21
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