On the 8th June, the TKU International Office held the ‘International Cross-Cultural Event: Tamscar’. The event was an extravagant farewell party and send-off for graduating international and exchange students, which featured entertainment, awards, and several touching speeches. The name ‘Tamscar’ is a portmanteau or combination of the words ‘Tamkang’ and ‘Oscar’. Thus, the style of the event was fashioned on the glitzy nature of the Oscars, but tailored to the unique local culture at Tamkang.
It opened with a dazzling performance of the theme song to the Hollywood film ‘Burlesque’. There was a brass quintet performance, songs by international students, and a cultural dance performance by international students from various Pacific Ocean island nations. There were also speeches, in which foreign students shared with the audience the moments that had moved them and made them laugh during their years at Tamkang. One of the speeches was given by Idriss, Dj Ibrine Saleh, whose family had flown from Chad to be with him on the night. He said “Today is a very special day, a touching and happy moment, and this evening’s celebration has given my family and me a memory that we will never forget”.
| 更新時間:2011-06-20
| 點閱:2577
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