學校要聞 2012-10-01

Rewarding Teachers for a Lifetime of Selfless Service

To show gratitude for the efforts of long-term teachers, the Ministry of Education recently (August 29) held an Award Ceremony and a Presidential Luncheon. During the award ceremony, teachers who have worked for a period of 10 to 40 years were rewarded with a special “lifetime service subsidy”.

This year, TKU had 70 teachers that met the requirements for the award. Among them is one teacher who qualified for the 40-plus years of service award category: Prof. Huang Teh-Sou, from the TKU Physical Education Instruction Section.

Prof. Huang specializes in volleyball. He believes that physical education helps students develop a love for sport and positive exercise habits. Third year student Lin He-qin said that “Prof. Huang uses an interactive student-teacher format in his classes and often shares his former sports competition experiences, which is a really big help”. TKU teachers who have served for over 30 years include Chien Fan-Z (Department of Physics), Yu Liang-jye (Department of Chemistry), Tsai Ching-Ting (Department of Industrial Economics), Liu Tsann-Liang (Department of Business Management), Darrel Paul Doty (Department of English), Vauthier Pierre (Department of French), and Pan Hsi-Tang (Graduate Institute of China Studies). In addition, there were 41 TKU teachers honored for 20-plus years of service and 21 recognized for ten or more years of service.

NO.868 | 更新時間:2012-10-01 | 點閱:1460 | 下載:

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