英文電子報 2003-05-12


An assistant of Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (DCSIE) was hospitalized at Sungshan Armed Forces Hospital along with her boyfriend because her boyfriend was diagnosed as a SARS suspect. The case has caused two classes of DCSIE to be quarantined at home from May 2. The assistant has been proved not to be a SARS suspect and will withdraw from hospital on May 13.

Her boyfriend returned from Mainland China on April 27 and had a fever. Accompanied by this female assistant to Veterans General Hospital on April 29, he was diagnosed as a SARS suspect. They were then together transferred to Sungshan Armed Forces Hospital for quarantine treatment. The Bureau of Sanitation of Taipei County Government notified the183 students attending the assistant’s class to conduct 10 days home quarantine beginning from May 1.

At the same time, a senior of Department of International Trade (DIT) withdrew from Sungshan Armed Forces Hospital on May 6 and returned home for 10-day quarantine. She told Tamkang Times reporter through a telephone interview that her health condition has gradually recovered and she is expected to return to class on May 21.

Miss Tai was diagnosed by the Veterans General Hospital as pneumonia for coughing and was listed by Department of Health (DOH) as a SARS suspect. The reason is that she was working part time at a 24-hour shop at Tamsui Mass-Rapid Transport Station, she must have contacted with many people. The doctor inferred from her symptoms that she was possibly infectious SARS. She said, “I was so nervous when I was advised. But I never went to Hoping and Jenchi Hospitals and was hospitalized in Sungshan Armed Forces Hospital for quarantine. So I guess I’m doing all right.”

She was very concerned for media reporting about her during the quarantine period. “I worried a lot about Tamsui residents and my schoolmates, whose lives have caused unrest because of me. After leaving the hospital, she still have 14-day home quarantine to complete.

NO.537 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1321 | 下載:

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