學校要聞 2013-03-25

The Quest for Quality Control Commences

Tamkang’s annual quality control competition has begun. On March 15, the Office of Quality Assurance and Audit held the “presentation phase” of the competition, in which the five competing teams – two of which are student teams – described their ideas for improving quality control at Tamkang.

Their ideas were appraised by seven expert judges, scholars and staff from both within and outside Tamkang, headed by the Secretary General of Tamkang, Dr. Hsu Ting-chi. In his opening remarks, Dr. Hsu thanked the judges for their help and said that he was very happy to see student teams taking part.

The teams’ proposals showed resourcefulness. Team “Light” described how to cut down on volumes of wasted electricity created when students and staff accidentally switch on lights. Team “Intern” introduced innovative ways to increase the number of students going online to fill in the TKU Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire.

NO.888 | 更新時間:2013-03-25 | 點閱:1310 | 下載:

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