學校要聞 2013-04-17

Success in Unmanned Aircraft Contest

On March 16, six freshmen from the Department of Mechanic and Electro-Mechanic Engineering took part in the 2013 Taiwan Innovative Unmanned Aircraft Competition. The competition is an annual event that draws entrants from around Taiwan, and is the largest event of its kind. It is sponsored by the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China and the ROC National Science Council.

This year, TKU entrants gained several successful results, including second in the “electric wings” division. The supervisor of the TKU team, Prof. Lung-Jieh Yang, explained: “this year’s result was a perfect illustration of how students can combine their student club interests with actual class work to gain great results. I hope that in the future we can continue to promote this method of learning”.

NO.890 | 更新時間:2013-04-17 | 點閱:1261 | 下載:

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