學校要聞 2013-04-17

A Safe Campus, 24-7

To make the Tamsui Campus even safer, TKU will soon unveil a comprehensive new system: the “Campus Emergency Help System”. Under this system, TKU will have two “safety routes” running through the campus. One will start from the TKU main entrance, near the swimming complex, and extend upward – past the basketball and then tennis courts – and veer right, until reaching the Sung-Tao dormitory. The other will start at the R27 bus stop and, before reaching Sung-Tao, will pass the College of Business and Management, the Fu Yuan Garden, The Ching Sheng Building, and the College of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Along these streets, TKU will install emergency help posts (nine in total), with large emergency buttons, wide-angle cameras and loudspeaker equipment, as well as a 24 hour connection to the guard house. TKU will also install short pillar lights along these paths, as well as in various strategic locations throughout the campus.

NO.890 | 更新時間:2013-04-17 | 點閱:1475 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-27 18:41:31
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