學校要聞 2013-04-24

The 2013 TKU High School Fair

On Saturday, April 6, Tamkang University’s Office of Academic Affairs held the 2012 High School Fair. The annual event introduces high school students to Tamkang’s numerous departments and provides such students with information on how to apply to TKU, including sample interview questions and a general overview of the application process.

This year, a total of 4,853 students passed the first round of the selection process and registered for the second round. It is estimated that a total of 2,162 students will be selected. On the day of the high school fair, a staggering 4,000 plus students and parents streamed through the Tamsui Campus, heading for Poster St, where they got tips and advice on university life, watched student clubs perform, and gained insight into life at Tamkang.

Mrs. Chao, who accompanied her son to the campus, said that by holding a fair at the same time as the second round of the selection process meant that while applying to study at Tamkang, students and their families could get a better understanding of their future university.

NO.891 | 更新時間:2013-04-24 | 點閱:1251 | 下載:

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