學校要聞 2013-05-07

A New Way of Thinking about Instruction

On April 25, the TKU Distance Education Development Section held an experience-sharing seminar on instruction and design and the production of digital teaching materials. The seminar featured special speaker Li Yan-Chiu, a leading project manager at an information technology company. The event attracted 28 teachers and students from both within and outside of TKU.

Li explained that "the use of multimedia digital teaching material has already become a modern trend. Teachers must become familiar with the application of each type of software in order to be able to internalize knowledge and pass it on to students. The use of digital teaching materials makes instruction lively and diverse, with a rich variety of topics to draw on, and helps promote student-teacher interaction".

NO.893 | 更新時間:2013-05-07 | 點閱:1603 | 下載:

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