學校要聞 2013-05-20

Reward for Continual Efforts from the TKU Student Association

On April 27 & 28, the Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education, held the 2013 National Contest for University-Level Autonomous Associations. During the contest, the TKU Student Association received a much-coveted recognition: an Exceptional Association Award. The Chair of the Association, second year student Lin Hui-jun, expressed graditude to association supervisors, for all their guidance, and to fellow members, for all their hard work. She added "winning the award is an incredible encouragement. It is also a strong source of momentum that will continue to drive us forward, and inspire us to constantly improve".

NO.894 | 更新時間:2013-05-20 | 點閱:1332 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-07-26 17:51:40
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