學校要聞 2013-05-20

A Speech by Dr. Richard Chia-Tung Lee

Given the continual decline of social morality seen in Taiwanese society, 10 years ago the Ministry of Education began to urge universities to promote ethics, moral integrity, and good values.

To further instill moral values in its students, Tamkang University declared 2013 as the 'Year of Moral Integrity', holding a number of related activities, like making a paper train track that winds through the Tamsui Campus and stops at various stations representing "moral values".

On May 1st, National Policy Advisor, Prof. Richard Chia-Tung Lee, came to TKU to deliver a speech on "Core Values". The speech, held at the Carrie Chang Music Hall, delved into the topic "Learning How to Think by Examining 28 Classic Speeches".

The speech, which was attended by TKU students, faculty, and staff was well-received and told of the tremendous importance of independent thinking.

NO.894 | 更新時間:2013-05-20 | 點閱:1441 | 下載:

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