學聲大代誌 2014-01-07

Student Organization’s Final Performances For Winter Semester

The Alliance of Musical Heroes

【Reported by Yi-qun Yang, Tamkang Times】On December 19th the Music Band Group held the “Alliance of Musical Heroes,” which was a collaboration of many different types of music. Head of the Music Band Group and third-year student of the Department of Information and Management, Chen-wei Hu, stated, “The title of this musical performance is directly related to the show itself. This is the first time we have had traditional Asian music on the same stage with Western music and even Taroko music. Our goal was to really diversify the instruments for the audience.” The “Alliance of Musical Heroes” performance received excellent reviews. They are due for another show in the Chiayi International Band Festival taking place on December 28th.

Yahu Music Band Performs Modern and Traditional Music

【Reported by Tian-ran Xia, Tamkang Times】On December 26th the Yahu Music Band held their final performance of the semester titled, “Trendy Love Music.” The audience was filled with over a hundred music-lovers that sought to spend this winter night listening to warm, romantic melodies. The band played songs such as “Spring Time,” Spring Flowers,” and “Three-Inch Heaven.” The musical performance was a collaboration of both modern and traditional music. Second-year student of the Department of Transportation and Management, Jia-yi Pan, expressed that the classical song, “Spring Time,” left a very deep impression on her emotionally. She said that the changes in the melody literally pulled on her mood throughout the song. Second-year student of the Department of Information and Library Science, Zheng Pei, stated that the music actually painted a picture in her mind of a story with soldiers, a prince and beautiful mountains. “I could feel the passion and sadness of the characters through the song.”

The Tamkang University Indie Hot Music Group Performance

【Reported by Jing-ya Su, Tamkang Times】On December 26th the Tamkang Universtiy Indie Hot Music Group held the peformance titled “Rock n Roll Can’t Die or Age.” The performers dressed in school uniforms as they played completely original songs on a stage decorated in white snow. The passionate music lifted the atmosphere as it rang throughout the campus. The first-year students hit the stage first as they performed “I miss you.” It was followed by the second-year student performance of “The Passion Between Us.” The final performance and the climax of the show was done by leader of the Indie Hot Music Group and third-year Chinese student, Wen-quan Xie. He performed “Never Look Back,” which got the audience so excited that 4 fans jumped on stage and started singing along. Vice President of Indie Hot Music Group and third-year physics student, Pei-zhen Cai, stated, “It’s so exciting to see people enjoy the songs we composed. It’s a reward within itself.”

The Experimental Theatre Group’s Final Performance of the Semester

【Reported by Jia-yun Cai, Tamkang Times】The Experimental Theatre Group performed two plays for their final semester performance last week. “Love Life” is a story that describes the loneliness of both men and women. The intricate story allowed the audience members to contemplate deeply on the meaning and purpose of love. It was an invigorating art performance that stimulated audience members both visually and mentally. The second performance was titled, “Red Clogs and Muscle Shirts,” a show that emphasized the line between dreams and reality. This was a stunning performance that is sure to linger in the imagination of audience members for years to come. A member of the audience and second-year Chinese student, Fang-yuan Li, stated, “The actors were really into the character and the plot is so closely related to my own life. The entire experience was quite touching.”

Director of “Love Life”, Chao-rui Zhang, stated, “My goal was to transcend the loneliness that can be attached to love. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with love, but I wanted to further explore the nature of what it entails.” Director of the “Red Clogs and Muscle Shirts,” Xiang-you Ping, expressed the concept of his story, “I just wanted to remind everyone that throughout all of the term oil and problems we may face in life, we still have the right to dream..and to pursue those dreams.”

NO.917 | 更新時間:2014-01-07 | 點閱:1291 | 下載:

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