新聞萬花筒 2014-01-10

Lanyang Campus Pays a Visit to Pumen Hopsital in Yilan

【Reported by Bo-xian Lu, Tamkang Times】An education of good conduct and moral character can’t just be a slogan, it has to be a reality. Last month on Christmas Day the Drillmaster of Lanyang campus, Ming-chuan Huang, lead 37 students to the Pumen Hospital in Yilan to hold the, “Good Conduct Education’s Friendly Visit” activity. The participating students were able to closely observe the Yi Lan Hospital nurses to learn procedures for taking care of patients’ needs. One of the nurses stated, “A kind word and a smile on Christmas Day can be the most heartfelt gift a patient could receive.” The students also warmed that atmosphere with a performance that involved Christmas songs and enthusiastic dancing. The usually quiet hospital was lit-up with the magic of Christmas cheer.

Drillmaster Ming-chuan Huang stated, “Good Conduct Education can’t be something that we just put in our textbooks. There are lots of people with different needs that could really benefit from a small activity or contribution. Not only will it help cultivate the fabric of the students, but it will also have a great impact on our society itself.”

NO.918 | 更新時間:2014-01-10 | 點閱:1085 | 下載:

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