學聲大代誌 2014-03-28

TKU Holds Spring Sale For Charity

【Reported by Xue-yi Wu, Yu-xuan Guo, Tamkang Times】The 2014 Northern University Alliance began promoting the spring season fundraising sale for charity that can be seen on all of the posters throughout the streets. Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan Kao, and Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu showed up at the event to give their support. Everyday at noon spectators could watch exciting performances from student organizations and popular artists including Peter Pan, Hung Jen Hsiao, Yui, and Yi Hsin Liu. All of the music and activities were designed to attract as many people as possible to participate in the charity sale.

On the 20th the results were tallied in and the fundraising charity made a sum total of 300.000 NT. The items that were the most popular among customers were Tzen’s maji, Hualian Taro, International popcorn and various chocolates and cakes. In the section of celebrity items some lucky customers received baseballs signed by famous athletes. There were also books handed out that were signed by famous authors. Specialist from Tamkang Times, Jing-yi Yang, stated, “This is such a great event to hold. It’s amazing seeing how everyone’s combined efforts can make such a positive difference.”

The proceeds of this charity fundraiser will be given to Taiwan Foundation For Rare Disorders, Dharma Drum Mountain Social Welfare and Charity Foundation, and the Public Welfare of the Taidong City Region.

NO.925 | 更新時間:2014-03-28 | 點閱:1008 | 下載:

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