學校要聞 2014-04-11

Professor Sato Gives Lecture on Revolutionary Educational System

【Reported by Qian-wen Pan, Tamkang Times】Last month on the 23rd of March, the College of Education and the New Taipei City Government cooperated together to hold a forum titled, “The Challenge of Changing Academics for the Better.” They invited an honored guest from the the University of Tokyo, Professor Sato, to present a lecture on Community Studies and Practical Challenges.

Professor Sato expressed, “Today seeing the enthusiasm of Taiwanese professors indicates to me that community studies has proven to be quite successful in Taiwan. Actually you can say it is even more successful than it’s implementation in Japan. It seems that it is a concept that maybe is designed for Taiwan. The objective of community studies is to revolutionize the academic community starting from the schools and reaching into the homes, creating an interaction that cultivates the students’ learning experience. This concept is delivered in three parts: studies in accordance with the essence of the subject, a mutual listening relationship, and innovative and challenging learning.” Professor Sato then emphasized the importance of utilizing these methods to ensure the success of the coming academic revolution.

In attendance were many teachers from other universities to learn of the community studies concept including Zhuwei High School, Cheng De Junior High School, Dengkong Elementary School and Xinshi Elementary School. During the assembly Dean of the College of Education, Dian-fu Chang, Director of the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, Ben-hang Chang, and Chief Secretary from the Ministry of Education, Teng-jiao Lin, presented Professor Sato with a souvenir as a token of their respect and gratitude for his wonderful contribution.

NO.926 | 更新時間:2014-04-11 | 點閱:1234 | 下載:

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