學校要聞 2014-04-21

The Physics Department Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

【Reported by Bo-xian Lu, Tamkang Times】The Department of Physics held the “Fifth Annual Electrons and Atoms International Conference” in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall in recognition of its 50 year anniversary. They invited alumni from the Department of Physics, President of National Dong Hwa University, Maw-kuen Wu, Scientist from the New York National Research Center, Wei Ku, and many national and international scientists, coming to a total of about 80 people.

President Flora Chia-I Chang expressed in her opening speech, “First I want to welcome educators from both the national and international areas. The Department of Physics is entering into it’s 50th year and has cultivated countless individuals into elite members of our society. Among them is President of National Dong Hwa University, Maw-kuen Wu, who was awarded the Golden Eagle Award in 1987. He definitely deserves our admiration, so let’s welcome him and I hope you enjoy today’s international banquet.” During the meeting both international and national educators shared their personal experience and knowledge regarding, electrons, atom structure, metamaterials, and modern materials. Dean of the Physics Department, Zi-cong Zhou, stated, “Today’s international exchange was extremely beneficial. Thank you everyone for your contributions.”

NO.927 | 更新時間:2014-04-21 | 點閱:1107 | 下載:

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