新聞萬花筒 2014-04-25

President Chang Receives an Enthusiastic Response From Mainland Chinese Students

【Reported by Yi-wan Lu, Yu-xuan Guo, Lanyang Times】On April 14th the International and Mainland Guidance Section held the President and Mainland Student Agreement discussion. President Flora Chia-I Chang hosted the event with Vice President of Administration, Wan-chin Tai, Dean of the Office of International Affairs, Pei-wha Chilee, directors from various departments and 120 Mainland Chinese students.

At the beginning of the discussion, President Chang asked the students questions and awarded them small gifts for their participation. In this event they interactively discussed the promotion of mainland activities, student organizations, curriculum application processes, practicums, the applying process for masters’ and doctoral programs, certifications, and core curriculum problems. However the majority of the discussion revolved around the scholarship application process for Mainland Chinese students.

Wan-chin Tai stated, “We’ve already offered a lot of scholarship assistance for Mainland Chinese students, but in the near future we are going to attach even more options for mainland students.” First year student of the Department of English, Yu-shi Yan, stated, “When I asked the question about the curriculum, the president gave me a very thorough answer. I am much clearer on the university’s efforts and stand points regarding these developments. I really feel that this interactive discussion was quite enlightening.” An exchange student from Beijing, Guang-hui Bian, stated, “I think it’s safe to say we all got a lot out of this meeting. It’s excellent that the president would take the time to personally interact with us.”

NO.928 | 更新時間:2014-04-25 | 點閱:1248 | 下載:

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