學聲大代誌 2014-04-25

Jing-sheng Huang Goes to America to attend the 25th Annual National Service-Learning Conference

【Reported by Jia-yun Cai, Tamkang Times】Fourth-year student from the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Jing-sheng Huang, represented the Yi-lan Leadership Development Association in Washington to participate in the 25th annual “National Service-Learning Conference” held on the 9th of April. In the conference not only did Jing-sheng Huang give a detailed description of the GPS Landmark Mapping System, he also went into detail about the Taiwan Slackline Festival. In addition to the explanation of the different services, he also had a great and meaningful interaction during the international exchange.

Jing-sheng Huang stated, “This experience really let me come in contact with many ideas I had never previously thought about. For example glasses that are designed to stimulate being drunk, which is an important reminder of the dangers of intoxication. I think all of these ideas will really help me open my mind to develop in many areas.”

NO.928 | 更新時間:2014-04-25 | 點閱:1156 | 下載:

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