學校要聞 2014-09-22

Traditional Ke Nan Hill Climb Takes Place

For the past two weeks freshmen students have been enrolling into academic institutions all over the nation, keeping university administration and staff extra busy. Along with the beginning of the first semester comes many ceremonies, assemblies and activities. Tamkang University held the “Ke Nan Hill Climb”, which took place on September 11th and 12th. This is an opening semester event that is unique to Tamkang University lead by President Flora Chia-I Chang, Vice Presidents, professors and administrators as the newly enrolled freshmen climbed 132 steps to welcome the new semester. First year student of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Si-yi Wei, stated, “Even though it’s really hot today, this has been a wonderful and special experience.” (Article written by Ying-tian Fan/ Picture taken by Zhong-yi Wu)

NO.938 | 更新時間:2014-09-22 | 點閱:1043 | 下載:

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