學校要聞 2014-09-22

Congratulations All Newcomers

【Reported by Ying-tian Fan, Yu-wen Lai, Lanyang Campus Times】The new school year’s welcoming ceremony was filled with exciting performances and songs made by the student clubs and associations. The performances were made by the cheerleaders, Beat Box club, Choir club, dance teams and many more. The air was electrified as President Flora emphasized the eight factors of development emphasized at TKU: global vision, future insight, applicable information, morale conduct, independent thinking, fitness, teamwork, and appreciation of aesthetics.

Afterwards Dean of Academic Affairs, Tung-wen Cheng, explained to the freshman everything related to the course selection process while recommending the honor roll program. Dean of General Affairs, Shiaw-shyan Luo explained the campus procedures regarding safety and services. Dean of Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section, Su-kuang Chiang, introduced the study groups and practicum programs, which was followed by a quick motivational skit by the students. The welcoming event at Lanyang Campus elevated the attention of the students while pointing them in a positive academic direction. This freshman ceremony is sure to get the students off to a fun and safe start at the university.

Executive Master’s Program Students are Ready to Begin the Semester

【Reported by Hui-ru Li, Ying-tian Fan, Tamkang Times 】Executive Master's Program of Business Administration (EMBA) held their beginning semester ceremony at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall on September 13th. In attendance were over 250 individuals including President Flora Chia-I Chang, Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu, Director of EMBA, Chiang-feng Lin and directors of various departments. Chiang-feng Lin expressed, “The EMBA program is filled with professional resources and the curriculum is saturated with multidisciplinary skills. It’s our wish that the new students will attain the knowledge that they seek and are able to apply it within two years of study. That in addition with the experience and connections they will obtain, is sure to give them a great advantage in the future.”

NO.938 | 更新時間:2014-09-22 | 點閱:910 | 下載:

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