學聲大代誌 2014-11-04

The Shobi University Kendo Team Visits TKU

【Reported by Jin-yu Cai, Tamkang Times】The kendo team of Shobi University in Japan brought 30 individuals for a visit to Tamkang University on the 23rd of October. They met with TKU’s kendo team in Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium as the two teams had a friendly and exciting exchange. Coach of the Shobi University Kendo team, Iwatate, expressed, “I’m so thankful to Tamkang University for holding this event, in the future we must do our best to cooperate more often.”

Director of the Kendo Department and Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture, Hoang Ell Jeng, stated ”This was a wonderful learning activity on both sides. It’s my hope that in the future we will be able to have the second kendo exchange at their university in Japan.”

NO.944 | 更新時間:2014-11-04 | 點閱:1238 | 下載:

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