學校要聞 2014-11-25

New Sports Area at Five Tiger Hills is Open

【Reported by Yu-xun Zhou, Tamkang Times】The use of the Five Tiger Hills’ integrated sports field was made official on November 8th with over 150 people in attendance for the celebration including President Flora Chia-I Chang, Vice President Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, and Vice President of Administration, Yi-jen Hu. President Chang expressed, “Because of the construction of the Chien Shou International Conference Center, the students’ most valued sports facility has been moved to the Five Tiger Hills. Now the volleyball courts, tennis court and basketball court have even better facilities for training and practice.”

The opening of the new sports area was a celebration of sports that not only included teachers and students of TKU, but also representatives from organizations such as Age International Ltd., Sport Court, Barry King, and PChome Online. A vigorous performance by the TKU cheerleaders ignited the celebration and promotion of physical fitness. The highlight of the event began when President Chang participated with the different sport teams. Dean of Academic Affairs, Teng-wen Chung, stated, “Not only is this sports facility great for exercise, it is also a very comfortable environment.”

NO.947 | 更新時間:2014-11-25 | 點閱:962 | 下載:

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