學校要聞 2014-12-25

TKU and Taipei City Govt Hold International Academic Workshop.

【Reported by Hui-ping Liu, Bo-jun Zhuang, Tamkang Times】The day before yesterday, Tamkang University and the New Taipei City government jointly held the Danhai Region International Education Conference. This event represents the pooling together of resources to form an international academic strategic alliance. On December 17th the Center for European Union Studies held the “International Education” workshop under the premise of professional teacher development, passing along knowledge of the European Union to the Freehold Intermediate School. Professors holding classes for the event include Director of the Center for European Union Studies, Li-chuan Chen, Professor Chun-hung Chou and Associate Professor Lin Tsui.

An estimated 40 elementary and middle school professors attended the event. Li-chaun Chen expressed, “In order to pass knowledge of the European Union, the content of the courses must contain issues regarding trade and relations in Europe. I look forward to helping teachers expand their international understanding.” At the end of the workshop, Li-chuan Chen and President of Freehold Intermediate School, Lai-chan Lai, discussed ideas to further their cooperation in the near future.

NO.951 | 更新時間:2014-12-25 | 點閱:826 | 下載:

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