新聞萬花筒 2015-01-12

Honored Guests from Asia Visit and Enjoy TKU’s Educational Technology

Huaqiao University Cooperates with TKU

【Reported by Yu-xuan Zhou, Yi-feng Lu, Jing-ya Lu, Tamkang Times】President of Huaqiao University, Yi-min Jia, and the Director of the Office of Academic Affairs, Zhi-xing Ceng, and Deputy Director of Subcommittee of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Compatriots, Sunny Ceng, came to TKU on December 29th for a visit. They explored the campus to learn of the lifestyle of international students at TKU. They were met by President Chia-I Chang who presented them with gifts and souvenirs. President Chang stated, “I hope the future we will have more opportunities to exchange. This visit has been both productive and enjoyable.”

Beijing Normal University Visits TKU’s Motion Sensor Room

On December 26th Dean of Beijing Normal University the School of Educational Technology, Fa-ti Wu, Deputy Dean Juan Wu and Associate Professor Feng-guang Jiang came to TKU to meet with the Department of Educational Technology. Director of the Department of Educational Technology, David Tawei Ku, and professors Shih-chung Li and Li-an Ho, greeted the honored guests as they had an exchange of international developments. The main focus of theme of the visit focused on facilities involving motion sensors. David Tawei Ku also shared his insight on creating a curriculum that allows students to prepare for the career world.

The Department of Japanese Language Designs New Scholarship

Last December 17th the Department of Japanese and Nitori Home Fashion joined together to create the International Birds Scholarship. President of Nitori, Kawaguchi Tsunenaga and Director of the Department of Japanese Language, Yaw Huei Maa and Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature signed a contract that offers a new scholarship program for Japanese Language students. Yaw Huei Maa stated, “Many Japanese Language students do quite well in their careers after graduating. This scholarship will certainly aid development and research in terms of Japanese language while giving students more opportunities.” (For more information see link http://www.tfjx.tku.edu.tw/news/news.php?Sn=1169)

NO.954 | 更新時間:2015-01-12 | 點閱:1094 | 下載:

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