學校要聞 2015-06-12

TKU Attends Alumni Conference in Beijing

【Jin-yu Cai, Tamsui Campus Report】In order to strengthen ties with Tamkang University Alumni in China, Vice President of Administration, Yi-jen Hu and Executive Director of the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development, Chun-young Perng, took a four day trip to Beijing to attend Chinese Northern Alumni Association conference.

Yi-jen Hu expressed, “We saw a lot of enthusiastic alumni with a combination of some who have already graduated for many years and others that were still very young. During the occasion, there were lots of warm feelings and we even discussed holding the next Chinese Northern Alumni Association conference at TKU. Also in attendance was President of the TKU Chinese Alumni Association, Wen-fu Zhuang, and President of the Tamkang University Alumni Association Headquarters, Ding-chuan Chen.

Wen-fu Zhuang expressed, “The Chinese Northern Alumni Association is much like a bow that can be aimed to do many exchanges in different reaches of China.” During the conference many suggestions were put forth for future TKU development including internships in China, modern trends of the market and the location of the 2016 alumni association conference.

NO.969 | 更新時間:2015-06-12 | 點閱:806 | 下載:

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