學校要聞 2015-06-29

A Dragon Boat Zong Zi Celebration with International Students

On June 18th the Female Faculty Association and the Office of International and Cross Strait Affairs held the Zong Zi Dragon Boat Festival Event. The activity involved serving delicious zong zi (rice dumplings) and introducing the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival to international students in a warm interactive atmosphere. There were around fifty people in attendance as they competed in a fun traditional egg balancing contest.

Because there were so many participants in the competition, it took two rounds to finish the event. The winner was Daniel Maldonado, a student from Texas, who was able to stand up six eggs in under 5 minutes. He happily expressed, “I’m really surprised I could stand up so many eggs. I also really enjoyed the zong zi and wonderful atmosphere for conversation.” In addition the Female Faculty Association also held the, “Body Sculpting Fitness Campus Activity in the gymnasium volleyball room on the fourth floor. A total of 13 awards of fitness were given out for decreased body fat. (Written by Jin-yu Cai, Yi-wan Lu/ Photographed by Zhong-yi Wu)

NO.971 | 更新時間:2015-06-29 | 點閱:1408 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-09-20 09:00:04
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