學校要聞 2015-10-12

Okinawa Impressed with TKU e-calligraphy

【Yu-xiang Sun, Tamsui Campus Report】20 students from 14 academic institutions in Okinawa came to the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center on Oct. 1. These students were carefully selected out of a group of 96 students from 36 schools as a part of the “Okinawa Advanced Level Junior and High School Cultural Alliance.” The special guests arrived to the center specifically to participate in TKU’s calligraphy study event. Director of the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, Ben-hang Chang, exhibited the e-calligraphy program and also invited calligraphy artists to hold instructional courses and display many fine pieces.

Ben-hang Chang explained that one of the greatest advantages of the digital age is e-calligraphy. The guests were both captivated and intrigued as they came in contact with the digital writing program for the first time. A student from a high school Northern Okinawan farm area, Mizuki Kishimoto, expressed, “This is my first time coming to Taiwan and I think the TKU campus is huge. It’s like a large museum. I especially love the e-calligraphy program because I have never seen anything like it before.”

NO.976 | 更新時間:2015-10-12 | 點閱:1020 | 下載:

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