學校要聞 2015-10-12

Student Association Election

【Zhuo Qi, Tamsui Campus Report】Tickets can be casts for the 21st Student Association Vice President Election and the 35th Student Association President Election from Oct. 13 to 15 starting from 11am until 7pm. This upcoming vote has already broken three previous records in terms of the number of candidates and anticipated voter-turnout. There are 18 candidates from 8 different colleges. For the sake of organization, they have been divided into two groups.

On Sept. 30 there was a press conference that presented the candidates and the academic issues that they stood for. Current Student Association President, Yi-xuan Liao, of the Department of International Business management and Student Association Vice President, Pei-qi Duan, of the Department of Information and Library Science, themed the event as “FIGHT ON,” encouraging candidates not to lose sight of pressing issues of course selection, subsidiary support and issues of the core curriculum.

NO.976 | 更新時間:2015-10-12 | 點閱:872 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-26 09:19:37
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