【Shao-qi Zhang, Tamsui Campus Report】On Oct. 7, Vice President of One World Hanxing College of Journalism and Communication in Malaysia, Huang Guo Fu, brought a group of 24 people for the One World Hanxing College of Journalism and Communication 25th Annual Educational Visit. They were greeted by General Secretary Martha Shu-min Kuo. Huang-guo Fu expressed that he believes TKU is an exceptional university and he looks forward to holding more academic exchanges in the future.
They first toured the Chueh-sheng Memorial Library and the students were fascinated as they enjoyed the high-tech facilities and library equipment. Afterwards they visited the TKU filming and broadcasting rooms to get an understanding of the university media equipment and operations. Following, they explored the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium and took a close look at all the exercise facilities. One student of the One World Hanxing College of Journalism and Communication expressed, “I think all of this equipment for physical education almost ensures a healthy lifestyle for participating students. I also love the idea of being able to watch film in the library.
| 更新時間:2015-10-16
| 點閱:1056
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