【Qi Zhuo, Tamsui Campus Report】The Career Guidance Section held a four-part lecture on Career Development and Life Planning on Oct. 7 and invited career specialist, Yu-ting Sun to share her experience with 50 students and teachers. Yu-ting Sun, expressed, “Career planning isn’t just about choosing a job, it’s about organizing your life.” She quoted a well known American author, Donald Super, stating, “By developing my career, I develop myself. I develop not for my career’s sake alone, but for adaptation to life. The more I learn and experience, the more versatile I become with my ability to operate in my given environment.”
She broke down career searching into three components: 1) First learning and understanding yourself. She stated by learning who you are in better detail, you will be more aware of what you are willing and capable of doing. 2) She pointed out that you have to always be willing to learn more. “One you know everything, your growth is at an end.” She stated. 3) Lastly, you must leave time - even if only a few minutes - for just resting your mind. “It’s important to let yourself unwind and calm down before your next step.” She finished.
Fourth-year student of the Department of Spanish, Xing-jun Huang, stated, “ It’s really of great benefit for the students to hear this lecture. It reminded me to stay focused on doing what I enjoy and to stay passionate.”