學校要聞 2015-11-16

Tsung Tsin College Brings 80 Guests to TKU

【Shao-qi Zhang, Tamsui Campus Report】In the afternoon on Nov. 4 Tamkang University formed an alliance with Tsung Tsin College in Hong Kong and nearly 80 teachers and students came to TKU, lead by university president, Tai-chi Lai. The activity was hosted by Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, and the guests gathered for a discussion in the Ching-sheng International Conference Hall. The honored guests were able to see the many special features of the university on their tour and they felt they were most impressed by the gymnasium. Tai-chi Lai expressed, “The competition for universities in Hong Kong is extremely high. Thank you TKU for providing ideal higher education for the students of Hong Kong.”

NO.981 | 更新時間:2015-11-16 | 點閱:1025 | 下載:

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