學校要聞 2015-11-20

7 Golden Eagle Awards Presented for TKU’s 65th Anniversary Celebration

【Kai-jun Lin, Tamsui Campus Report】Happy Birthday TKU! The 65th university celebration took place on Nov. 7 at 9am in the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium on the 7th floor. During the assembly, the Golden Eagle Award was presented to 7 outstanding alumni: Lin-yi, Xu-ye Rong, Shao-xin Wang, Yu-shi, Rui-long Sun, Li-yan Zhou and Rong-ci Wu. The cheers for their great achievement was unceasing as the audience applauded proudly.

President Flora Chia-I Chang expressed, “For all of the great steps that this university has taken I must express my thanks to the former university presidents, faculty and the 250,000 alumni for all of their efforts and support.” President Chang pointed out that the construction of the Shou Chien International Conference Center is a product of alumni resources, entrepreneurship and united contributions. She stated, “Our combined efforts have created a more wonderful environment to enjoy.”

The university president then addressed many of the achievements of TKU’s educational program including winning the FIRA Robot Soccer Championship for ten consecutive years, the Department of Electrical Engineering’s 1st place victory in the Solar Power Competition and recognition of a diverse international learning campus by the Ministry of Education.

NO.982 | 更新時間:2015-11-20 | 點閱:822 | 下載:

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