學校要聞 2015-11-20

International Cultural Kaleidoscope

【Hui-ping Liu, Tamsui Campus Report】On Oct. 30 the Office of International and Cross Strait Affairs held the, “International Cultural Kaleidoscope” on the 10th floor in the Ching-sheng Building. The event was hosted by third-year vietnamese student of the Department of Chinese, Do Thi Thúy vân, who shared Vietnamese culture. She wore traditional clothing as she introduced the many different customs and foods of her heritage.

Third-year Indian student of the Department of International Business, Henson, shared aspects of the Hindi language; a Mongolian student of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, shared customs of the countryside of his hometown and a Peruvian student of the Department of International Business, Shi-ru Meng, brought some historical artifacts. The participants marveled as they learned new ideas in a warm atmosphere. Student of the Department of Japanese, Ge-wei Jiang, stated, “Before when I was working in Singapore, I also met many people of Malaysian culture. So listening today and hearing about Hindi religion really resonated with me.”

In the future this cultural kaleidoscope will be held on Nov. 27, Dec. 11, Dec. 18, Dec. 25. For more information please see link http://enroll.tku.edu.tw/.

NO.982 | 更新時間:2015-11-20 | 點閱:770 | 下載:

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