學校要聞 2015-12-04

TKU Recognized by MOE as School of Excellence in More Ways than One

【Xin-yu Wang, Tamsui Campus Report】Tamkang University has been recognized by the Ministry of Education, receiving the Central Government Promotion of Work Study Award, the Excellent Private University Award and the New Taipei City Outstanding Accommodations for Disability Award. This year marks the 3rd year that TKU has received the Central Government Promotion of Work Study Award and on Dec. 3rd the Ministry of Education will hold a ceremony to recognize this university achievement.

The Ministry of Education’s decision measured the previous two years of TKU’s, Work Study Programs, University Budgeting, Work Study Funding, and other related work study items for this award. TKU offers a very flexible and rewarding work study program that includes convenient time for study while working, allows leave for study, and more. For the 2014-15 school year, it was noted that there were over 4,250 participants in work study that used 63,360 work study hours and there were 129 certifications handed out. Director of the Office of Human Resources, Shi-feng Chuang, expressed, “Every year that we are evaluated we collect more data and experience, giving us an even more diverse curriculum that will allow employees to gain more current knowledge.”

NO.984 | 更新時間:2015-12-04 | 點閱:1069 | 下載:

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