學校要聞 2016-03-24

Culture Week at TKU

【Kai-jun Lin, Tamsui Campus Report】For Culture Week, 15 Tamkang University alumni groups put on the “Cultural Merchandise Anniversary” exhibition on Hai Bao Street. Last week, even amongst the drizzling rain, the diverse alumni groups celebrated the 30th anniversary of this event, through sales of different modern products related to heritage and tradition. There were vendors selling crafts and hot items of all the different regions in Taiwan including Taoyuan, Tai Chung, Hua Lien, Tai dung, Ping Dong and more. The sale was met with great success as the vendor selling tea eggs sold 1,300 eggs in only three days.

Producer of the official website and member of the New Taipei City Alumni group, Jian-an Lai, expressed, “I’m happy about the website because it will allow Culture Week to transcend the borders of Tamkang University. We’ll be able to give our products more exposure and it will reduce the amount of waste from excess items.” Head of the Student Association and third year student of the Department of Transportation Management, Xin-yuan Lin, stated, “I hope that all the students can learn the importance of planting and caring for trees during this event.”

NO.995 | 更新時間:2016-03-24 | 點閱:579 | 下載:

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