學校要聞 2016-04-14

New Students Learn TKU Specialties

(Articles written by Pin-jie Chen, Xin-yu Wang)In order to allow new students to get a feel of the specialties of each department, the Admissions Section will hold the Department Exhibit with Lanyang Campus on April 2 and 3. Students and parents from all over Taiwan will be able to get a close look and description of the course regulations, curriculum design as well as career plans for 50 different departments. Director of the Admissions Section, Man-ching Tang, expressed, “Each department will give an explanation of the uniqueness of Tamkang University in every department, increasing aspirations and student enrollment numbers at TKU.”

TKU Overseas Internship Interview

Second year master’s students of the Department of French, Ya-ci Zheng and Jing-zhi Wei, as well as second year student of the Department of Political Economics, Shi-qi Huang, accepted an interview from “Raising Young Students Global Mobility.” They will have a chance to share their experience of their overseas internship experience to inspire other young students of Taiwan, confirming Tamkang University’s internationally-oriented education system.

Ya-ci Zheng and Jing-zhi Wei both worked as translators in France for the Avignon Art Festival, assisting French personnel in communications and public media. They expressed that it was a trip that would be very hard to forget, helping them improve language skills and global career knowledge. Shi-qi Huang shared that she worked at ANFREL (Asian Network for Free Elections) in Thailand. She expressed that she was not only able to develop great language skills, but also able to develop her understanding of culture through a rewarding hands-on academic exchange.

NO.997 | 更新時間:2016-04-14 | 點閱:604 | 下載:

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